Ncis fanfiction tony injured badly

Ncis fanfiction tony injured badly. Tony noticed the sticky note on his desk and headed down to Abby's "Abby slapped Ziva (McEllie Fanfic) When McGee is left badly injured with shrapnel in his body and his right arm from the elbow down gone. I have badly injured my wrist, and will need to take some time off writing to allow it to fully heal (ironically, a bit like Tony, I will need local steroid injections to help fight against the inflammation). Coming home . He knew little about the man's past, but one thing he did know, was that his old man had knocked Tony around, upon occasion landing him in the hospital. A Christmas story. Tony is married; U. His dad was in a hospital bed with a badly injured knee. " Tony's answer seemed to satisfy them. Sensing he didn't really want to talk about it, he left it at that. C. "Gibbs said I could. Sep 7, 2011 · "What!" Tony leaned forward and immediately regretted the movement. Tony merely moved his head to the left to get more comfortable before falling further into a deep sleep. "What!" Tony asked, stunned. " "Glad we're in agreement then. (End of season 3) Flummoxed: utterly bewildered, confused, or puzzled. " Ziva reasoned. I don't know her in the biblical sense. Tony groaned loudly and immediately leaned back against the seat. Tony was breathing through a machine, getting nutrition from an IV. " "And, statistically speaking, Tony, about 45% of murders are done by a friend. You're staying with me tonight. But will Tony come out of this without having a complete breakdown. Dr. "I'm not going to have the physical this year," and he sat down again. We are just using them. Special Agent DiNozzo I think you've probably torn some tendons or ligaments, I'll know for sure what's going on after we get it x-rayed. "Good. He smirks to himself. Or, well, I thought I did. A/N: Firstly, I'm like sooooooooo sorry for the wait. Tony & Gibbs father/son/H/C. "Morning to you too Boss. "Tony, I have to tell you something…" She began. " Tony felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach. Settling back the way she was before she let him examine the cut on her head more closely. Bad. May 16, 2012 · Definitely not one of their more shining moments, which made Tony's current attitude all the more difficult to understand. Suddenly, Tony's smile lost some of its brightness as his face crumbled, "Blue. Vance said and turned towards Gibbs and Tony, nodded and walked back up to his office. Tony was on the ground, injured arm and all. Tony looked to Gibbs and gave a small nod, so Gibbs left to talk with the Senator. " Tony answered. He briefly thought about getting back to Bethesda later, then decided he'd get Ducky to drive him. _____ During the short walk from NCIS to Gibbs's car, he noticed that Tony kept looking over his shoulder. , Tony D. "Aww, maybe I should have gone with Tony," Abby said after the elevator doors had closed. Gibbs didn't bother waking him once he sat down and got buckled, but he did, however, take his usual driving speed down a notch or two. "Boss?" Tony said, looking at the opening doors. That's when he catches a glimpse of the gurney holding Tony's injured form and the bile rises. "She…I don't know who she is, I swear. After many kicks in the behind by scousemuz1k to keep me motivated, I decided to stick my toe into the fanfic writer pool and see what happens. I missed you. With a broken jawwill Tony survive all of the TLC his friends try to give him? Hilarity ensues. 12 Boxed In. " Tony glared at the team and headed toward the elevator in a huff. They wrestled around on the grass for a moment before Tony managed to pin the guy into submission and pry the purse away. (Warnings for mild Ziva bashing, rape / non-con early in the story, and non sexual age play later in the story. " He told her gently. Written as a "Get Well Soon Present" for HPDorkFreakAZoid. Tony and Kate clash, Gibbs is supportive and McGee keeps his head down while they search for a murderer. Rated T to be safe due to violence. Unfortunately, I left the document open on my laptop for literally fifteen minutes while I was talking to my best friend (yes, that's you Stella!) my six-year-old sister thought it'd be funny to erase the entire document and fill the page with the words None of them belong to me as much as I wish they did. Tony and Gibbs - father/son COMPLETE Oct 31, 2011 · Tony is really sick and the doctors think it has to do with his exposure to the pneumonic plague. And now it was up to Gibbs to decide if they wanted to hold out for a miracle or to end Tony's suffering here and now. He was beaten badly and stabbed multiple times. He knew this one was affecting everyone pretty badly, especially Tony. He wondered if Steve had been there that night, if he was part of the "we" Danny had mentioned. Gibbs wouldn't admit it but he was shocked. His heart still had trouble with it. When he got close enough Tony lunged forward and tackled the punk to the ground. E. He sat up and Tony was unconscious. By Marla Gilmore and Crying Cowgirl. He looked at Tony and asked, "Anthony, may I ask you a question?" Tony took his hand off the door handle and looked at Ducky. It was known around the building that Vance didn't particularly like Tony and to pretty much stick up for him without saying it was a pretty big deal. This time, Gibbs needs Tony and the roles are reversed. "We have done nothing wrong. At worst he could never walk again. A healthy dose of team affection, Tony heroism, Gibbs drama and McGee taking charge! "McGee! Get her to Interrogation!" Gibbs said as he pulled out his phone to call 911. "I did. The guy was fast, but Tony couldn't hold back his smirk as he gained on him even with his still recovering leg injury. "Quiet Abigail we not only have Tony but a newer member. "Run. "Jethro, how was he injured? You said he was beaten and the perpetrators were still at large but I don't have any more details yet. They sat down to wait for news. "Get dressed, we've got a DB. "Ask away, Ducky. Language: English Words: 12,814 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: 7 Kudos: 77 When Gibbs and Tony go to question a suspect off the beaten path, Tony is attacked, shot and badly injured by a suspect unknown to them. Thank god a Sentinel from across the room came over in a hurry: “Sentinel Alpha? We’ll get you sorted. " Tim smiled at the 'Probie' a sure sign that Tony was still Tony and he hadn't screwed up too badly. He had been injured a number of a times trying to protect both Kate, Kelly and finding Shannon. Secret. " Tony agreed. He wanted to kiss her so badly. After having his legs amputated, he hands in his resignation to NCIS thinking the team will never welcome him back. " Ducky grimaced slightly and then asked, "Why do you live this far away from the NCIS building and me and Gibbs?" Tony smiled slightly and said, "That's it, Ducky? Tony walked out of Vances office, and was happy to see the bullpen empty except for McGee "Are you okay , Tony?" McGee asked,sincere concern in his voice "No, but I will be. "Well. But there came a breaking point for everyone, didn't there? Tony should've been broken long ago, but somehow he kept moving forward. Realistically, they would have stopped in Germany to see to not only Ziva's wounds, but Tony's and Tim's, yet Ziva could only be the most severe, and not only on the outside. Tony's mind lingering on the woman's words still accusing him, earlier that evening. Tony is injured during the undercover op with Ziva. Tony doesn’t know if he can do this again, and certainly not alone. Seems you have much to . " Ducky gave Tony a pill for the pain, which he grudgingly took after Gibbs had threatened to force it down his throat if he didn’t and then set to work. For example the end of "Boxed In", the end in "Chained", the three or four first episodes of the fourth season, etc. Before he could manage the feat, a leg shot out, catching him hard in the stomach and he collapsed once more with a soft moan, curling into a tight ball. " Ziva didn't like the sound of that, and from the look on his face she could tell that her partner was also less than enthused. Ziva and McGee stepped closer to Tony's wheelchair. Other NCIS Character(s) Community: NCIS Fanfiction Addiction; Community: ncis_verse; Summary. They spun into the guardrail on Ellie's side. Feb 21, 2019 · Secondly, I promise that I will complete the story in its entirety, however I currently am unable to write for a while. ” Tony shot the Sentinel a thankful look while the Guide was still staring at him with a confusion: “Hey, Sentinel? May 13, 2019 · Tony's faith in his team is already on shaky ground, then new information comes to light that shocks him to the core. had a bottle of bourbon there just for him and he badly needed a drink to get through this story. I make no money at all. " When Tim got back to the bullpen, Ziva noticed his pallor. " Tony said accusingly. 08 Under Covers and before Ep. He had been tracking them for a while. These are dangerous waters that Tony is treading on, and yet he can’t stop the concern he has from his boss has him unable to truly leave him until he is certain that nothing more serious is going on. Aug 1, 2012 · Tony felt all the tension that had collected since all this began slowly start to leave, maybe it would be alright. Tony only made it about one step into the hallway before he realized someone had been standing by the door. If Dante wanted to try with Tony, he needed full disclosure, just as he'd given. The emotional bleed from her showed hostility. " Gibbs said. He'd been too badly injured to go anywhere. "TONY!" Abby squealed running over to hug him. " "How seriously is Tony injured?" whispered Gibbs. I got very little out of him before the ambulance took him away other than the names of his partners, a vague description of them and their vehicle, and instructions to call you. Blood had spattered everything it could land on. There were too many casualties for the medical camp and the barracks ended up being used for the less badly injured. Finally, the announcer spoke over the loudspeaker to the stadium, assuring the crowd that Tony would be okay, but it looked as though his leg had been badly fractured. Barely noticing the injury to his arm Tony once again began giving out orders, getting those with the worst injuries to medical personnel, not taking the time to distinguishh between the soldiers and their Jul 24, 2024 · Tony comes over after Gibbs takes and unexpected sick day to find him in a state he didn’t expect. Had Tony suffered this injury when the weather was warmer, he may well have bled out. When Tony is beaten up, Gibbs discovers a whole new chapter of Tony's life he didn't know about. "Yeah. One badly scraped hand held in front of him in a placating manner, Tony tried to sit up, wincing from the stinging pain. "Tony…Tony, wake up. Jethro arrives to see Tony fully dressed and ready to go. He slammed the trunk down hard and angrily. Only reviews good and bad, but those are the pitfalls of fan fiction. Brad Pitt comes into Tony's hospital room to see his favorite patient. We left him out there…for two hours, Ziva…two hours without backup. Tony relaxed a bit on the Aug 18, 2014 · Gibbs is left injured in a bomb blast and Holly Gibbs is left to stay with her best friend Matt Haycroft and her family. " Tim continued. Tony's fortunate to still be in field work. It's Ziva's turn to see what he went through the first time. "I swear, Boss. The camp was in chaos. would want to see Tony Tony noticed that Palmer had his Cell phone. All good things in this story are due to her gentle guidance and edits. " Ducky warned. This is for the stories where we see Tony treated badly by the team and his reaction to that. " Tony stirred and started waking up. He smiled, running his thumb over her lips now. The intense pain stopped him from speaking for a moment. ) Gibbs was seething in anger as he got off the elevator on the third floor of the NCIS building. Nov 18, 2013 · After sustaining a serious injury during a dangerous assignment, Tony assumes his undercover persona, causing the FBI to believe he has gone rogue. Rated T just to be safe. Day Gone Wrong. Having already ensured Tony's airway was unobstructed he turned his attention to the badly injured leg. Dec 19, 2011 · Several of Tony's friends, both male and female, thronged silently around the manicured edge of the playing area, waiting to hear an update. He opened the trunk of the car pulled his backpack, jacket and hat out. Tony waited for her to continue, continuing to stroke her cheek with his thumb. Tony sighed. If Gibbs hadn’t been looking right at Tony, he would have missed the slight pull on one side of Tony's face: a poorly disguised wince. He didn't have time to warn the others. This is complete. He was still hurt by Gibbs and the rest but he would never let him down. "Tony did not get injured and…. "He'd have made contact if he wasn't," Gibbs replied. " Tony said speaking really Gibbs headed for Ducky's office, where his friend kept his liquor and poured himself a drink. A half hour later a rather loopy Tony was lying on the couch in Ducky’s office in scrubs sporting a cast on his left wrist and on his right leg. "Kate and McGee are going to bring your car by later also since we figured you'd rather have it here than in the NCIS lot for the next few days," Gibbs continued. It wasnt until he noticed the blood pouring off his arm did the man release his hold on the agent, causing Tony to drop to his knees. "OK. (english isn’t my first language). All because Gibbs had to protect his precious son. As Abby dissolved into sobs, he quietly turned and left the room, leaving her behind. The elevator doors opened to Tony sitting on a table and Ducky looking at x-rays. It wasn’t exactly an everyday occurrence, for a Navy SEAL to show up at NCIS, but then, it was common enough that usually, such a visit didn’t raise any eyebrows. "But, but he has to be okay. GIBBS/DINOZZO SLASH! Do not read if this offends you! Hugs and thanks to tutncleo for acting as a sounding board and beta. Jan 10, 2016 · We found Tony badly injured, keeping one suspect at gunpoint and two others already dead. "Really quick, I promise. McGee had struggled out of his jacket and pressed it vigilantly to Tony's injured arm, unsure whether he was aiding his co-worker or not, he continued to hold it there, feeling as though he was contributing. " Tony quickly thanked Ducky as he scrambled into his clothing. When Tony and Kate are captured, tortured and one feels the need to protect the other even if it meant their own life was sacrificed what will happen at the end. Although there was considerable blood loss, Gibbs was grateful that the freezing conditions had slowed the blood flow to a trickle. "But, Tony, if you don't pass the medical you won't be able to be an agent," pointed out McGee. S. The M. , wondering if anyone at headquarters had missed him yet. That's what Gibbs' brain said anyway. " He took a gulp of his fresh, scalding hot coffee. Episode: s01e23 Reveille (NCIS) Tony Leaves; Summary. They nodded. Any hope that a night's sleep would improve Tony's mood disappeared as soon as Gibbs got to work the next morning. It will not kill him to pick it up himself. He couldn't lose "Come on Tony. Jan 20, 2012 · Gibbs said, looking back from Tony to the woman. Tony couldn't figure out any way that could be true, but had learned it was better not to bet against the Goth's forensic skills. "Tony, we wanted to let you know how sorry we are. Part 15 of NCIS One Shots; Language: English Words: 850 Chapters: 1/1 Tony was angry about what they had done and he didn't have anything to say to either of them, so he remained silent and just watched them warily. Series. Gibbs returned the look. "I'm in love with you "Abby, he was injured pretty badly. "Morning, Tony. Now I'm not so sure. "I would really like that as well. It doesn't help that his lungs were so badly scarred from the plague. Almost all the furniture had been turned over and the lighting fixtures broken. I brought Abby and Ducky over to Germany because it served the short. How badly hurt is he?" Gibbs weighed what to say for a few moments before plunging forward. He continued walk muttering and shaking his head and his fist angrily. During the course of the confrontation, you stabbed Murphy, then, in a drunken rage, you turned on Tony. But Tony was, well, something was bothering him about the girl. When Tony has a relapse of the plague, he’s forced back in the hospital, only this time there’s no Kate there beside him. When Tony's car is forced off a mountain road, the badly injured agent receives help from an unexpected source. Between the head-slaps and Tony's notoriously bad Karma, he gets away with nothing. Through the haze of pain, Tony looked up in surprise. The voice is so familiar, so utterly Tony, that McGee doesn't think he's injured at all, he thinks Tony's standing in front of him. It doesn't surprise him at all that Tony is waiting for him to get there. He snuck up on his two healthy agents out of habit, but what he heard made his blood run Gibbs and Tony are securing a scene on top of a snowy mountain far away from home when Gibbs is seriously injured. Tony and Gibbs - father/son COMPLETE 3)Tony's resignation. "Sound like a plan Probie, I'd like that. In his opinion, Tony is in the hospital far too often, even for a federal agent. "Tony, we You have my word. Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship; Episode: s03e09 Frame Up (NCIS) With More Whump; Team as Family; Summary. Reconnecting with family (Jethro, Jack and Sal meet only to gang up on poor Tony) Healing . But will also contain some Slash Stories (Gibbs/Tony), which again contain Hurt!Tony. But while Matt and Holly try to get back into routine after Gibbs' injury, someone is determined to hurt Gibbs by killing the one thing he holds dear to him Rated T for violence but not gory. " "I'm sure he will be okay. Aug 29, 2012 · "Tony did not get injured?" Ziva inquired. I missed you Boss," Tony nodded at Gibbs explanation though Gibbs doubted Tony was really listening. Dante broke the silence. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 13,780 - Reviews: 159 - Favs: 241 - Follows: 248 - Updated: 10/31/2011 - Published: 12/9/2009 "Tony, I do not want to hear about Dennis Spade or Jean Clyde VanDamn or whoever for the whole time we are out here working this scene. He bent next to Tony, noticing that his agent was bleeding from his right ear. Tony sat in the middle, McGee on his left and Bishop on his right. "Boss…?" Tony said, wanting badly to correct Gibbs on the names. "He could have been. " "That is just what he wants, Abby," Ziva said. Coming face to face with the woman you were once set to marry before you faked your death is such an indescribably awkward situation that Tony would wholeheartedly dissuade anyone from trying it. " Ducky announced. "Director Vance said you believe your agent is badly injured," Sanders said. " Tony "Next time any of you needs a favor, don't come crying to me. He turned to someone a little unexpected. They think Tony knew what you might do and followed you. I don't own them and, after you've read this, you wouldn't want me to. At least one of his would be severely injured. The few insurgents who remained alive were unable to pose any real danger to the soldiers, most being badly injured and/or unconscious. Gibbs patted Tony's shoulder and felt how soaked it actually was. "Badly?" Tony asked again. Half-way through their morning of looking through cold case files when Tony had made his 6th trip to what Gibbs could only assume was the bathroom and returned to his desk looking rather peaky Gibbs Remembering Tony lying on the exam table, face white, waiting for news on how badly his knee had been damaged. He must have been very tired. Summary: Tony has been injured in an accident as Agent Afloat on board the USS Regan. "Ziva, I want to spend the rest of my life with you both. ” Aftermath of Ep 3. " "But he could have been. Booboos are Tony was being checked out by Ducky when the 3 agents and lab rat came in through the sliding doors. May 21, 2024 · Tony was undercover with the mob; Episode: s08e05 Dead Air (NCIS) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Alternate Universe - Gender Changes; Summary. Navy SEALs; Angst; Bad Ziva David; Hurt Caulder; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff; Tony gets backup; stepdaughter; Summary. Gibbs stood in the living room of a run down two-story house. This is a completely insane story, judging by the fact that the ncis verse collided with one direction and taylor swift, but my dreams are full of this things so it though i’d write something. But is he? Part of Whumptober 2023 20 hours ago · Chapter 1: Chapter One. " She finally blurted out, her tears drying a little as she waited for his reaction. " As the door closed, Tony said softly, "I hope you can keep that promise, Probie. Open your eyes, please!" When Tony didn't respond, Gibbs felt a tear start rolling down his cheek. He heard you fighting with Murphy and tried to stop the two of you. The body's instant reaction to pain or injury to the torso is to curl inward, and I need you to keep her upright. In fact, no one is allowed in the room with him, save for some nurses in full hazmat suits. A knife blade of self-hatred for what he was doing struck deep in his gut. They found Tony curled up in a ball, fast asleep on the couch, cradling his injured arm. But when Tony is kidnapped, he realizes there is so much more at stake. Disclaimer: All NCIS characters are own by DPB. Gibbs has been badly injured, leaving Tony in charge of the team. As the cold rain fell on the late November day, Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo lay in an ally in the Adams Morgan part of Washington, D. Tony was speechless, but nervously nodded in understanding of Gibbs' comment. Straightening his shoulders, he walked up to Tony's – no, not Tony's, Brian's – desk and said, "Sorry about earlier, Agent Reynolds. "Is the Senator awake, Tony?" Gibbs asked softly, hoping that the woman could not hear that. And treating him badly. "I'm in love with you, Tony. Rain. " Tony said, standing up. "Why didn't you hear me?" "…turned the radio off. " Tony sat down and looked up to see Tim, Ziva and Gibbs still staring at him. I've been on holiday during the summer, but as soon as I got back, I started writing. Gibbs now has to help him get through the cold woods before the suspect comes back. Partly based on a prompt by mrsdinozzo. Tony paused and looked at Gibbs. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Tony D. Long-time reader of NCIS fanfic, with a definite tip in the direction of Tony as a competent and all-around good guy. "Hey,Boss. He needed to find out how his senior field agent had been injured and Tony had been too out of it from his recent anesthesia and pain medications to fill him in. Tim/Tony friendship. Silence reigned in the bull pen at NCIS – this was unusual as the MCRT team boss Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs was down in autopsy having a conference with Dr Mallard and normally his team members took the opportunity to gossip about things their leader would think a frivolous waste of time. They seemed uncomfortable and didn't speak for several moments. "And you left NCIS?" Steve asked after a minute, as he pulled into the parking lot of the same shrimp truck he'd unknowingly met Danny at before. Oct 9, 2011 · What happens when Tony and McGee are abducted, and DiNozzo Senior shows up to find Gibbs caring for his injured son? Takes place circa S9 or S10. Sep 21, 2016 · When Tony's car is forced off a mountain road, the badly injured agent receives help from an unexpected source. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. The murderer caught Tony by the throat and squeezed hard, right as Tony swung his make-shift knife at the his arm. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Angst - Tony D. "And I told young probie here that that was why Private Oliver's wife would kill him, because she wanted to marry his best friend," Tony told them all matter-of-factly. Summary: Tony needed to talk to someone he could trust. The doctor probed Tony's knee apologizing when he hit a tender spot that made Tony gasp. She asked if he was okay and he waved her off. Written for Live Journal Reverse Bang 2019. It's been a rough week," he admitted, his voice breaking. Due to the thick fog cover and the building storm, the crew of the chopper could see little else and were forced to move on. It was the hardest decision of his life. "Well you can't it's a hospital remember. After a quick check to find a pulse, Gibbs said, "Tony, wake up. It pissed Gibbs off to think that this kid had lived his life in fear because of a few cruel people. "Hey!" "What?" Palmer asked surprised. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 18,073 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 159 - Updated A/N: Just a thought on what may have happened on the trip from Somalia back to D. "I didn't think he'd fall asleep so quickly. He didn't break, he survived. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Ziva D. Tony hates hospitals and is usually always trying to sign himself out AMA, but he knew this time that Jethro wouldn't stand for it. Gibbs approached Tony. how will McGee manage when he is offered a chance to have at keeping his field agent status at Ncis when a biotic scientist shows up with a biotical arm, will he take it or will he run away? Sep 30, 2012 · "Thank you Tony" she said smiling before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "Come on Probie, it's just a little melted flesh," Tony's voice says and McGee looks up, confused. "Sorry Tony," Gibbs said softly, not quite looking at him. " "I want that myself so badly, Tony. Finally Ziva said. Tony's injured, forcing Gibbs to examine his feelings for his second in command. Tony and Gibbs - father/son COMPLETE Cases involving children always got him, it was wrong to do something horrible to a child. , Kate T. There was no doubt that the man lying on his stomach, in the middle of the room, was dead. Ellie's side was stuck hanging of the guardrail. " "That was some offer. The man didnt notice it at first as he proceeded to choke the object of his rage. Jan 14, 2011 · Gibbs took the long way around the bullpen as his two junior agents continued to laugh and joke about Tony's injury. Loads of Tony & Tim friendship and whump. "Now, I feel bad. "Dinozzo why is there a baby on Ducky's table?" Gibbs asked. 3. Like you said he's Gibbs. " The BAU and NCIS clash on a case and are forced to team up, how does Hotch and his team react to seeing the treatment of Tony Dinozzo and the behaviour of Gibbs and his team? When a case ends badly Tony questions his position in NCIS and on Gibbs' team. The others will be thrilled you're not actually dead. Some questionable language, but nothing bad They had just arrived via courier from the Hospital – they were films that had to be taken, to see how badly the Agent had been injured during the explosive Rivkin fight, also to be held as evidence to back up Tony's self defense description of the shooting that took place and ended the fight – along with Michael Rivkin's life. Just take a seat please. An injury that at Senior's age may result in at best the need for a replacement. " Tony said pain echoing near the end of the statement. "I'll be back down about 17 hundred?" Tony and McGee must work together when one of them is badly injured while pursuing a suspect through the woods. Language: English Words: 18,241 Chapters: 4/4 Comments: 43 Kudos: 1,236 Bookmarks: 292 Hits Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship; Competent Anthony DiNozzo; Tony's Prized Ball Cap; Senior Gets What's Coming to Him (in the Epilogue) The Gibbs We Deserve; Summary. "Crazy Chick," He muttered angrily. Gibbs only hoped that Tony was in a bad mood because ill Tony was usually cause for concern. Although the soliers had mostly got control of their fear they were still looking to Tony for their orders and the special agent was run off his feet helping and directing. Tony slept through the entire trip of dropping McGee and Kate off back at the office. After Tony's rescue, Gibbs devotes himself fully to his fallen agent's care. Tony, stand behind Ziva and wrap your arm around her chest, just below the throat. Categories: Gen Characters: Abby Sciuto , Anthony DiNozzo , Donald Mallard , Jimmy Palmer , Leroy Jethro Gibbs , Timothy McGee , Ziva David Tony was tracking the terrorists that had Shannon Gibbs. When Gibbs gives his war speech to Tony, at the top of the stairs outside of MTAC, Tony answers with quotes from several sources, before finally giving his true, tired answer to all in the bullpen and Morrow. "Tony is a big boy. " He Ziva's confusion with American idioms becomes a source of confusion for Tony when Ducky comments on the misuse of several idioms during the recovery of a body. She squeezed her eyes shut, a single tear cascading down her face. Especially when Tony made one final anguished noise as Gibbs deposited him at the base of a tree, facing him carefully away from the flaming car. McGee shook his head. Lil bit o' Sr & Jr H/C. " McGee stated. I Aug 8, 2016 · A case that hits close to home for Tony also reveals some truths to Kate and McGee about their colleague. He was surprised to find Tony already at his desk since it was rare for any of his team to beat him in. He seems far too accident prone for his own good. "Does it hurt at all?" He asked her, "Yes" she replied nodding slightly. The car was heading towards him. Artwork by Penumbria. Next chapters. Nov 3, 2013 · And for those of you who say that Tony 'gets away with everything' you are mistaken. Stories focusing entirely on Tony wherein he's hurt, injured physically or mentally, kidnapped, tortured etc & is being looked after by Gibbs (mainly as in a Father/Son relationship), with occasional help. Unfortunately for Gibbs his wish was not to come true. Gibbs resumed squinting at his computer, satisfied that all was settled but his head jerked back up again at Tony's next words. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Words: 1,465 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 36 - Published: 7/1/2006 - id: 3019647 Tony and McGee must work together when one of them is badly injured while pursuing a suspect through the woods. Tony knew if Gibbs knew he would do everything to find Shannon. Apologies in advance. Ziva added her own thoughts. He made his way towards the elevator. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "You calling Ducky on my Cell. " "I will see to his condition, and be of assistance. "Well, ok, then. Tony still lay in the hospital bed before him, in a coma and probably never going to wake up. Kate furrowed her eyebrows as she said, "Tony, you always think it was the wife. Abby has a feeling something hinky is going on. From the way the feds who brought him in talked. This time the car hit Tony's side. He was sure the M. That dog could have hurt him badly…it could have killed him…and here I find you playing that prank on him…I have to punish you harshly this time, so hold on this is going to hurt!" And with that he began to swing…connecting again and again against Tony's butt encouraging the younger man to yelp and squirm with each lick. Once he was on the back side of the partition behind Tony's area, he reached behind the filing cabinet and grabbed the old cane Tony kept there in the event he sprained his ankle again. Can Gibbs find and clear his agent before tragedy strikes? Tony was hardworking, courageous, trustworthy, strong. "One more thing. " Palmer answered, Tony shut his mouth and Palmer dialed the number for Ducky. Rated K plus for a rather gruesome injury and mild swearing. Sanders produced a map of the area and marked Tony's crash-site with a large X. " Gibbs has betrayed Tony's trust, and risks losing his Senior Field Agent. Jun 5, 2013 · Tony stood up and straightened his jacket and tie. Episode 1-Aliyah "Ziva!" Gibbs said, as he raced to the scene. " "What?" Gibbs said gruffly. " Tony jumped slightly at the agent's voice, but nodded in reply. "Use the Manny paced around the holding cell. "But I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere," Tony vowed. Tony's grin looked nothing like his usual goofy, pleasant one, it more resembled a rictus disguised as a smile. " Gibbs enveloped Tony in a hug again, feeling the small shudders of Tony's shoulders as his ward started to crying quietly. Tim had positioned himself behind Tony and rubbed his back. kffkdkl ejgp mnzjf eypp fzt slhzfpb atzi rzai kloqzm zqbfl